Training Youths and School Children on Human Rights (sixth Group)

Future Generation Hands Association with participation and funding of the Welfare Association and Austrian Development Agency holds another training course for the sixth and final group in the first stage , this group includes 21 participants of students and graduates of Al Najah National University from different disciplines , this course comes as a continuation to the series of the training courses to promote the human rights and democracy among youth and schools students .

During this course, which will last for four days , the participants will gain a lot of information and skills during 30 training hours , this will qualify them to participate in the second stage of the project which will be training in different social associations in addition to the " poster" campaign ,signatures collection and media .

At the end of this course the Future Generation Hands Association announcing the end of the first stage of the project of " Training Youths and School Children on Human Rights " and starting the second stage . in the first stage, there was 112 participants after it was expected to have 90 participants only and this shows the success of the Future Generation Hands Association in achieving its goal of having the awareness with concepts of the human rights and democracy among the Palestinian youth throughout this program .


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