Agency name
The “TVET and Employment Promotion Programme” has the overall objective “Young people in the West Bank including East Jerusalem, and in Gaza, who have participated in an integrated labour market and TVET programme, are in skill-related employment or self-employment”. Accordingly, the programme aims to gear the supply of TVET programmes further towards the needs of the labour market and towards groups of disadvantaged young people, and to strengthen and align em-ployment services and promotion stronger towards matching labour market demand and supply. The objective of this round of Call for Proposals is to support the potential project beneficiaries who wish to develop proposals for “Integrated TVET and Employment Actions”, targeting youth and vulnerable and marginalized groups in the Governorate of East Jerusalem.
For further information about the programme, the guideline for applicants, and to download the proposal application, please visits the following link:http://www.tvet-pal.org/en/guide-for-applicants-ej
Applications must be submitted in person or by courier to the GIZ TEP-Office located:
Programme House for Development Cooperation
TVET and Employment Promotion Programme (TEP)
Al-Bireh / Palestinian Territories
Abo Eyad Street (next tothe Red Cross)
P.O. Box 38383, East Jerusalem 91383
T +970 (0)2 241 4064/5
The deadline for submission of the initial proposals is 15 March 2016 at latest 14:00 .No applica-tions will be accepted after the deadline.
Interested applicants are invited to attend the launching event which is scheduled to take place at the Royal hall- Abu Dis on 18 February 2016, Kindly confirm your participation by Tuesday, 16 February 2016 [email protected]
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Submission deadline