Case Study


Submitted by on Thu, 03/17/2022 - 10:53

Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus (Triple Nexus): refers to the aim of strengthening collaboration, coherence and complementarity. The approach seeks to capitalize on the comparative advantages of each pillar – to the extent of their relevance in the specific context in order to reduce overall vulnerability and the number of unmet needs, strengthen risk management capacities and address root causes of conflict. 

Integrated Report for The Palestinian Agro-Production and Marketing System

Submitted by on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

The report has been prepared as part of “Strengthening of the Commercial and Marketing capacities of small and medium vulnerable Palestinian farmers from the Tubas Region through trade to the Israeli and International Markets” project, where five agricultural cooperatives located in six villages were targeted in the north-eastern part of the Jordan Valley: Bardala, Kardala, Ain Albayda, Wadi al Far’a and Tammun from Tubas Governorate and Furush Beit Dajan from Nablus Governorate.

Building Walls, Breaking Communities: The Impact of the Annexation Wall on East Jerusalem Palestinians

Submitted by on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

Securing control over the entirety of Jerusalem has been a persistent objective of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank. However, with the beginning of the Oslo process, the Israeli authorities intensified already substantial efforts to isolate and consolidate control over annexed East Jerusalem and its surroundings. Initially this isolation was pursued through the imposition of severe movement restrictions, including the requirement that those Palestinians without East Jerusalem identity cards obtain a special permit to enter East Jerusalem.

Al-Nu’man Village: A Case Study of Indirect Forcible Transfer

Submitted by on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

In April 2002, al-Nu’man’s residents were verbally informed that the village lay adjacent to the planned route of the Wall. Shortly after, a preliminary road was built along the route of the Wall. The road to al-Nu’man from the neighbouring West Bank village of al-Khas was destroyed, as were the village water pipes. One year later, in April 003, residents received a visit from a man purportedly working as a liaison between Israeli government ministries and residents of areas affected by the Wall.

Israeli Proposed Road Plan For The West Bank: A Question for the International Court of Justice

Submitted by on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

This case study provides a detailed legal analysis of Israel's 1984 road plan. It outlines the plan's framework, explicates the Israeli High Court of Justice ruling on the plan, and assesses the plan's legality in local and international context. Official data and maps substantiate the road plan's detrimental implications on Palestinian livelihood, including agriculture and irrigation systems.

Civilian Administration in the Occupied West Bank

Submitted by on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

Civilian Administration in the Occupied West Bank: Analysis of Israeli Military Government Order No. 947

This Al-Haq report is a legal analysis of the Israeli Military Government Order No. 947. This military order effectively imposes a Civilian Administration on the Palestinians of the West Bank. The report provides a background of the nature of Israel's military control over the West Bank, and illustrates the implications of Order No. 947 as a violation of international law. It also includes an English translation of the military order

Up Against the Wall: the Story of a Qalqilya Farmer

Submitted by MAAN on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

The Qalqilya district continued to surface as one of the hardest hit areas by Israel’s occupation and colonization. Qalqilya is a difficult place to visit, not only from the act of bearing witness to blatant injustice, but also because the occupation often turn the visitor away at checkpoints. One can spend an entire afternoon attempting to reach the district from Ramallah, a physical distance of a little more than 30 kilometers, only to be denied passage. That number is rapidly decreasing.

Anata: Confinement to a Semi Enclave

Submitted by MAAN on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

First Israeli settlements separated Anata from its land, and then interim peace agreements split it into separate, unequal authorities that spurred a population boom in urban areas. Now the Apartheid Wall is encircling the town. Prior to 1967, the village of Anata was vast, its 35,000 dunams stretching from the outskirts of Jerusalem down into the valleys near Jericho. Anata was a major thoroughfare, and its wheat fields and olive trees an agricultural heartland.

Beaten to Death: Umran Abu Hamdieh

Submitted by on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

This case study examines the events of 30 December 2002, during which 17-year-old Umran Abu Hamdieh was beaten to death by Israeli Border Police. With accounts given by eye-witnesses, the report outlines the case with respect to international human rights and humanitarian law. The report seeks to confirm that the willful beating and killing of this Palestinian minor is merely part and parcel of routine practices which demonstrate the behaviour of Israeli occupying forces towards the Palestinian people.

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