Fact Sheet

Factsheet Series on Israeli Violations of Palestinian Children's Rights

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

7 factsheets (covering the Rights to Life, Education, Health, an Adequate Standard of Living and the Rights of Children Deprived of Their Liberty; and two articles: "Blaming the Victim - Palestinian Children and the Media; and "Refugee Camp Children Learn the Dr. Seuss Lessons of War"). Published in coordination with Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and National Plan of Action for Palestinian Children.

Wadi Fukin Under Threat

Submitted by MAAN on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 15:12

It would have been very easy for the village of Wadi Fukin to have been erased. Caught in firefightsalongthearmis�celinebetween Israel and Jordan1, the village was twice demolished and in 1954, its residents forced out to Dheisheh refugee camp in nearby Bethlehem. Thirteen years later, Israel had occupied the area and began inves�nginse�lementprojectsthatswallowedup residents’ agricultural lands.

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