NGO #13646

جمعية زهرة القدس الخيرية
Rose of Jerusalem Association
Rose of Jerusalem Charitable Association is a Palestinian independent, non – governmental, and non profitable organization. It was established in December 2002, and is registered by the Ministry of Interior as well as the ministry of social welfare, and it is registered as a member in the Palestinian Union of Charitable Associations. Rose of Jerusalem Charitable Association strives to provide with social, cultural, Educational and sport services to the local community at the regions of Aizariah, Abu- Deis, Al-Sawahrah Al-Sharqiah, Al-sheiq Sa'ed, and Arab Al-Jahaleen, especially for children who suffer from disabilities, and those with special needs to help and rehabilitate and to integrate them within the local community. It depends mostly on voluntary works.
Contact Information
Contact person
Yasien Hamdan
GIS Location

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