NGO #15150

المركز الفلسطيني للديمقراطية وحل النزاعات
Palestinian Center for Democracy & Conflict Resolution
Main Sector
Good Governance and Democracy
The Palestinian Center for Democracy & Conflict Resolution (PCDCR), is a non-profit non-governmental organization. PCDCR evolved from a series of activities implemented by a group of Palestinian youths volunteered to develop an Arab Palestinian model institution to further develop those activities and apply them in form of large-scale training courses, educational activities and projects in and for the Palestinian community. The endeavor of this group to form a Palestinian institute with international standards of service helped in obtaining the official license at the Ministry of Justice in 1998 as a Palestinian organization with the dedicated aim of strengthening the Palestinian civil society.
Contact Information
Contact person
Ms. Maysara Al Shaer
Contact person email
GIS Location

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