The Brutal Occupation Could Not Clean the Slate

Submitted by PNGO on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 13:50

Throughout the past twenty-two days, the occupation forces have bombed and shelled houses, mosques, health educational and cultural organizations, as well as international commission centers, resulting in the targeted killing, injuring, and dispossession of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza strip. Israel has also flouted all international charters, the Fourth Geneva Convention and international humanitarian laws; which protects civilians, ensures the evacuation of the wounded for treatment, and guarantees freedom of movement for health crews. In addition to this contemptuous disregard for international law the occupation has used internationally prohibited weapons in the full glare of the public eye.

In a despicable attempt to improve its public image, the occupation authorities announced the opening of a field hospital on the Gaza Strip border in order to treat the injured children, women, elderly and youth.

We at the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network, health organizations, and trade unions confirm that the occupations initiative will not influence the suspicious and ugly image of the barbaric Israeli war machines, which are continuing their aggressions against the people of the Gaza Strip. This public image stunt will also not be responded to in convergence with our steadfast masses in Gaza, who are being slaughtered by the very same hand that is now extended to them for help.
We call for the cessation of all forms of barbaric aggression against the Palestinian people and the opening of all crossings in order to allow the wounded to receive treatment in hospitals in the West Bank and east Jerusalem or to the brotherly Arab countries and friendly foreign countries.

The Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO)
Tel: +970 22975320/1
Fax: +970 22950704
E-mail: [email protected]

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