I. Enhancing the adoption of market-oriented crop diversification, good agricultural practices and climate-smart agriculture responding to market demand.
II. Promoting local production of essential agricultural inputs.
III. Strengthening the capacities of cooperatives and producer organizations in the provision of on-farm services, such as collective input purchase and marketing of produce, mechanization services, knowledge &technology transfer, access to finance and contract farming.
IV. Developing post-harvest capacities and services, including more efficient handling, packing, storage, logistics and transformation for value addition, e.g. post-harvest and food processing equipment, cold storage and transport facilities.
To see detailed eligibility criteria for applicants and to retrieve the application form and the Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of Applications, please visit https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/78249 or write to [email protected].
Support to investments can amount up USD 50 000 for farmers, individual businesses and profit companies; and a maximum of USD 100 000 for cooperatives, groups of farmers or women registered as associations, and non-profit companies.
MAP gives special priority for gender and youth empowerment. Women-led agribusiness and youth are particularly encouraged to apply.
All eligible applicants are invited to submit their applications before 01:00 PM on Thursday 10 January 2019.
For specific guidance and requests for information, contact FAO at [email protected], MoA at your nearest Governorate Agricultural Department or the Union of Agricultural Works Committees (UAWC) at the following contact details:
UAWC West Bank: UAWC Gaza Strip:
Tel: 02 - 222 7447 Tel: 08 – 287 9959
N.B. FAO does not charge a fee at any stage (application, application form, technical support and advice)