
The Monthly Humanitarian Monitor | November 2011

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

This month, more than 90% of 40 demolitions by Israeli authorities targeted Bedouin communities in JV and surrounding Jerusalem. In Gaza, 4 truckloads of strawberries exported to European markets. 90% decline in sardine catch compared to 2008 in Gaza. The Israeli authorities approved 15 new building projects to be implemented by international organizations in Gaza, and allowed entry of limited materials for private-sector factories.

Protection of Civilians Weekly Report | 14 - 20 December 2011

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

Israeli forces injure at least 60 Palestinians in the West Bank. Settler violence is on the rise; this week, settlers vandalized four places of worship, including three mosques and a church. Also in the West Bank, the Israeli authorities demolished 27 Palestinian-owned structures, displacing over 30 people in a herding community in the Jordan Valley area alone. In Gaza, Israeli forces injured two Palestinians. Shootings at fishermen increase. New arrangements at Rafah Crossing. Critical patients receive supplies enough for a few weeks only. Exports remain well below pre-blockade levels.

Protection of Civilians Weekly Report | 30 November - 6 December 2011

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

One Palestinian armed militant was killed and five others injured in Gaza. In the WB, number of Palestinians injured was roughly 35% higher than ave number of Palestinians injured/wk since the beginning of 2011. 22 Palestinian structures were demolished in E Jlm and Area C of the West Bank. 120 essential medicines and 140 items of medical supplies are completely out of stock in Gaza. Exports of come crops from Gaza allowed to international markets, but still prohibited to Israeli and West Bank markets.

Protection of Civilians Weekly Report | 7 - 13 December 2011

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

Israeli forces kill five Palestinians and injure 51 others in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Settlers injure another three Palestinians and cause damage to houses and vehicles. Also in the West Bank, the Israeli authorities demolish ten structures belonging to Palestinians. In Gaza, shortages of medicine continue, putting critical patients at risk. Limited agricultural produce allowed out of Gaza.

Protection of Civilians Weekly Report | 23 - 29 November 2011

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

During the week, Israeli forces injured nine Palestinians and settlers injured another one in the West Bank. Settler violence, however, remained low compared to previous weeks. Also this week, Israeli forces demolished 27 structures, including 13 residences, displacing around 60 people. Gaza remained calm. Electricity blackouts throughout the Gaza Strip further increased. Limited shipments of agricultural produce allowed out of Gaza for the first time in six months.

Protection of Civilians Weekly Report | 16 - 22 November 2011

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

During the week, Israeli forces injured 11 Palestinians and settlers injured another three in the West Bank. Settler violence declined, partially, due to the ending of the olive season. Israeli forces demolished two water-related structures. Also in this weeks report: Another family in Silwan was ordered to evacuate their house; and Israeli bulldozers continued leveling land along the new route of the Barrier in Azzun Atmeh village (Qaqiliya). Gaza remained calm throughout the week. One Palestinian worker was killed inside a tunnel. Electricity blackouts throughout Gaza increased.

The Monthly Humanitarian Monitor | October 2011

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

The events of October continued to highlight the vulnerability facing significant segments of the Palestinian population. In Area C of the West Bank, 20 bedouin communities east of Jerusalem face imminent eviction by Jan 2012. Israeli settler violence continued to undermine the olive harvest in the northern West Bank. The Israeli army issued a military order amending a few provisions related to Palestinian children facing detention, including redefining children 16 and 17 years old as minors. In Gaza, the livelihoods of date farmers are undermined by the outbreak of a new pestilence

Aid Effectiveness 2005-2010: Progress in implementing the Paris Declaration

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

In 2005, over 100 donors and developing countries committed to make aid more effective in supporting the achievement of development results when they agreed to the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. One of the distinguishing features of the Paris Declaration was the commitment to hold each other to account for implementing its principles at the country level through a set of clear indicators, with targets to be achieved by 2010. To what extent have the commitments been realised? Is aid being delivered in a more effective way than five years ago?

Protection of Civilians Weekly Report | 2 - 15 November 2011

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

During the two-week period, Israeli forces killed four Palestinians in Gaza and injured 40 others throughout the oPt. Settlers injured another two Palestinians. Demolitions and evictions in East Jerusalem resumed; overall ten structures were demolished in East Jerusalem and Area C. Also during the reporting period, Israel allows limited entry of basic construction material into Gaza for the private sector.

Protection of Civilians Weekly Report | 12 - 18 October 2011

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

This week, hundreds of Palestinian prisoners released in exchange for Israeli soldier. Israeli forces injure five Palestinians in the West Bank. Settlers injure another six Palestinians and vandalize around 900 olive trees. No demolitions recorded in the West Bank. In Gaza, calm continues. Movement through Rafah Crossing update.

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