
Crimes of Women's Killing in Palestine In the period 2004-2006

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

The underlying general goal of this report on the status of “honor killing” in Palestine during a three-year period, from 2004 – 2006, is to highlight the potential dangers of the criminal acts committed in the name of “honor” to the lives of Palestinian girls and women, to make the relevant data publicly available in order to raise public awareness of the issue, and to use the findings to lobby with Palestinian authorities and all other relevant parties to pass legislation of gender sensitive laws, which would consider the killing of girls and women under the banner of “family hon

Early Maternity Care in Palestine

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

Prenatal care is a group of organized and systemic health services offered to pregnant women during the period of pregnancy. The aim of these services is to ensure the safety of pregnancy and make sure that pregnant woman receive their physiological needs, in addition to services aiming to alleviate the stress and fear that accompany hard labor and delivery.

Four Years Since the Beginning of the Intifada: Systematic Violations of Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

This document provides a compilation of statistics on human rights violations committed during the four years of the current intifada and a legal analysis of the most prominent trends.

The loss of homes and hope

Submitted by [email protected] on Tue, 02/14/2012 - 12:24

This report aims to examine the situation of women in Israeli occupied East Jerusalem and outline the violations suffered by them as a direct result of the demolitions and evictions carried out by the Israeli authorities. The destruction and confiscation of homes is not an issue that only affects women but it does affect them more acutely and in a gender specific way. To place the issue within it’s context it will be useful to briefly examine the Israeli settlement policy in East Jerusalem and the overall framework surrounding the demolition of houses and forced evictions in the city.

Priority Issues of Women in Gaza Strip

Submitted by [email protected] on Tue, 04/06/2010 - 15:04

One year after the Israeli offensive on Gaza Strip that left behind mass killing, destruction and displacement. Its serious repercussions are still continuing on the economy and society. Despite the difficult circumstances, which are still afflicting on Gaza Strip and institutions working in it, Women's Affairs Center (WAC) initiatives and efforts to enrich experience of the feminist movement and civil society in Palestine continues to provide decision makers with researches and studies on women's issues, and provide objective information on women priority needs.

Islam, Human Rights and Palestinian Situation

Submitted by rabuhasan on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 12:12

The thesis, tackles the human rights from an Islamic perspective. As a case study, the human rights in Palestine are discussed. The thesis shows the importance of human rights and how it arises from the main sources of Islam, Qur’an and Sunna .from this respect the human rights in Islam differs from the west where thy are derived from nature law. The thesis makes the distinction between terrorism and jihad, and it denies that Islam is terrorism and terrorism is Islam. Islam bans all the acts of terrorism.

Four Years Since the Beginning of the Intifada: Systematic Violations of Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Submitted by [email protected] on Sun, 09/19/2004 - 10:09

Four Years Since the Beginning of the Intifada: Systematic Violations of Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. This document provides a compilation of statistics on human rights violations committed during the four years of the current intifada and a legal analysis of the most prominent trends.

The Israeli High Court of Justice and the Palestinian Intifada

Submitted by [email protected] on Mon, 03/15/2004 - 13:57

The Israeli High Court of Justice and the Palestinian Intifada: A Stamp of Approval for Israeli Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is a legal study prepared by Al-Haq presenting an analytical reading of certain Israeli High Court decisions during the second Palestinian intifada, which broke out in September 2000.

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